For users engaging in copy trading, after selecting a trader to follow on the copy trading page, they can proceed to configure the copy trading settings.
Leverage Multiple
Copy the Trader
By selecting the same leverage multiple. For example, if the trader opens a position with 50x leverage, the copy trader copying the position will also use 50x leverage.
Copy Contract Settings
Users can pre-set the leverage multiple in the contract trading section. The leverage multiple will be based on the setting chosen by the copy trader. For example, if the trader opens a position with 50x leverage and the copy trader's pre-set leverage is 30x, the copied position's leverage for the copy trader will be 30x.
Copy Mode
In this section, users can set the amount mode for copy trading.
Fixed Amount
Represents the fixed margin cost invested by the copy trader in the current copy trading transaction. For example, if the trader opens a position and the copier selects a fixed amount of 100 USDT, the copier will use a fixed 100 USDT to copy the opening position.
*Note: Due to factors such as leverage and cryptocurrency prices, the actual margin amount for each opening position varies. The following details are provided for clarification:
• Margin Amount = Price / Leverage * Position Quantity
• The higher the leverage used, the lower the required margin.
This mode is based on the trader's position size, setting a fixed ratio for copying the opening position. For example, if the copy trader sets a ratio of 0.5, and the lead trader opens a position with a size of 1 BTC, the copy trader will copy the position with a size of 0.5 BTC.
Risk Control
Stop Loss Ratio
When losses exceed the set ratio, the stop-loss ratio will be automatically applied to close each copied order for the copy trader. If the copy trader sets it at 10%, for example, when the loss on a copied order exceeds 10%, the system will market close that order.
Take Profit Ratio
When profits exceed the set ratio, the take-profit ratio will be automatically applied to close each copied order for the copy trader. If the copy trader sets it at 50%, for example, when the profit on a copied order exceeds 50%, the system will close that order.
Max. Follow
The amount in USDT represents the upper limit of the margin used for copying an opening position for each trading pair. Once the "current copy" margin reaches this limit, it will not copy further. After closing the "current copy" with a margin lower than this value, the user can again follow the trader's next opening position.
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